前回の記事、木下幸二「Rainbow Peace」写真展 in 福岡 / Kouji Kinoshita LGBT photo exhibition in Fukuoka
Why he started taking photographs of LGBT people. We introduce the past interview article.
↑メディアの取材に答える木下さん / Kouji Kinoshita
(English is below)
↑長崎平戸オランダ商館「十人十色展」/ Rainbow messages from the Hirado Dutch Trading Post(2014.9)
Because I want to have a future of hope to the young LGBT people
Having been disappointed with their future, the many children consider suicide, this is fact and this is why I began to start taking phots of them.
I wish I could give them some hope for the future with my works, and give them pause for the thought ending their lives.
Actually this exhibition is much better than I expected, we have so many wide variety of sexuality, we are all not the same, there are many ways and colors in which human being are different from each other. This is how I wanted to express through my works.
When I was taking photos all LBGT’s face, one of LGBT person suggested me that “Why don’t you take photos from behinds? “
This happens to came out another implication, there are still many LGBT people who couldn’t come out with so many reasons.
If given the chance, I would like to be actively involved to have exhibitions in the junior and high school, especially for teenagers.
↓元記事はこちら(Original article)
木下幸二「Rainbow Peace」写真展は、29日まで開催中ですので、ぜひ遊びに来てくださいませ。
▶期間:8/6(Thu)〜8/29(Sat) ※期間中の木・金・土日祝日(Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and national holiday during the period)
▶︎会場:コミュニティーセンターhaco(福岡市博多区住吉4丁目4-21エバーライフ住吉1F /Hakata-ku, Fukuoka Sumiyoshi 4-chome 4-21 Everlife Sumiyoshi 1F)
▶︎共催:NPO法人Rainbow Soup / Love Act Fukuoka